
The past few mornings have been cold until the sun came out. I walked around the yard to warm up, but my hands were red from the cold. C and I did Brown Eagle to get a quick pump. We were able to do 5 sets straight instead of 10. It’s different than doing one exercise at a time. The mixture of 3 exercises without getting up takes a lot of shoulder strength. I felt good after the exercise. I talked to J for a while. He’s sympathetic about my parole situation.

G dropped by before I went to the library. I told him what happened with the hearing. He was happy for me. He told me his observation of N.

The mainline is on quarantine because of Chicken Pox. I wrote to the lawyer. Hopefully he’ll give me some feedback soon. I told the librarian what happened. I talked to a couple of condemn guys there, R and V.

I received the AG’s request for extension approval. I have until 2/7/03 to reply. I wrote to A, Fr. O, Yuri, Mom and sent a bday card to J. I told them about my hearing

I was able to talk to Mom on the phone. She’s scheduled to see me Saturday. She realized that she hasn’t seen me for almost 6 months. I was good talking to her. Alton said hi. Sis is in Hawaii with her family, I’m glad she has a chance to relax and spend some time with N and A.

I got a postcard from Fr. O. He just wanted to acknowledge my poems. I have to get busy the next two days with writing. May I be motivated to write. I have to do it for us.

I still feel peaceful. I’m grateful for my spiritual and emotional state. I saw a few guys while under escort. R to me that KK got his date back. That’s great for him. I hope he gets out soon.

May all my friends be safe and well, especially Rico and Mike. May the Gods continue to look out for me and my family.

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