Breathin’ Premieres at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC
Join the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) and Asian Prisoner Support Commitee (APSC) to discuss this groundbreaking film and mark the anniversary of harmful immigration laws that eliminated second chances for people like Eddy Zheng. The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) resulted in the rise of mass deportations that have separated millions of families. […]

Eddy Zheng Sworn in as Alameda County Juvenile Justice Delinquent Prevention Commissioner
Being sworn in by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Smiley as the Juvenile Justice Delinquent Prevention Commissioner. #schoolsnotprisons#AsianPrisonerSC #servetheyouth

Colorlines’ Reported Comic about CAAMFest
Colorlines writer Channing Kennedy and illustrator & comic artist Minnie Phan constructed a reported comic on CAAMFest 2016, which includes Director Ben Wang’s film Breathin’: The Eddy Zheng Story. See below for their reported comic for the film. To see more of their reported comic for CAAMFest 2016, click here. Thanks, Channing and Minnie!

CAAMFest Audience Award for Breathin’
Happy new breath! I’m excited to share that Breathin’: The Eddy Zheng Story won the CAAMFest Audience Award! Thank you to all those who watched the screenings and voted. When I see you, I see me. Without you, there is no me. Thank you.

World Premiere of Breathin’ at CAAMFest 2016!
Happy new breath! Feeling so honored to premiere Breathin’ with so much community support at CAAMFest 2016. Photos from CAAMFest 2016 at the Alamo Drafthouse at New Mission Eddy Zheng and Director Ben Wang before the screening Composer Scott “Chops” Jung signing the Breathin’ poster during our pre-screening meet-up/dinner Cast and crew during Q&A Eddy during […]

World Premiere of Breathin’: The Eddy Zheng Story
Description: Arrested at 16 and tried as an adult for kidnapping and robbery, Eddy Zheng served over 20 years in state prison. Ben Wang’s BREATHIN’: THE EDDY ZHENG STORY paints an intimate portrait of Eddy — the prisoner, the immigrant, the son, the activist — on his journey to freedom, rehabilitation and redemption. BREATHIN’ moves […]

2015 Justice Freedom Peace Award
My second trip of the year takes me to receive the Justice, Peace and Freedom Award from the 2016 AFL-CIO Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference. ‪#‎1uMLK‬ I feel humble and honor to sharing the stage with Dorsey Nunn, Rachel Bryan and the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ Co-Founders Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Marie Cullors-Brignac […]

Breathin’ : The Eddy Zheng Story
Breathin’ to show in San Francisco and Oakland in March 2016 Thirty year ago today, at the age of sixteen, I played judge and sentenced a family of four to a life sentence of trauma and suffering. As a result, the judge sentenced me to life in prison as an adult. I spent twenty-one years […]

Reform the Criminal Justice System Town Hall
Feeling honor and excited about sharing my thoughts with the leadership of Alameda Labor Council on the impact of mass incarceration and the importance of labor’s role in dismantling the prison industrial Complex through mass employment and investing in education.