
It was overcast in the early morning. I was informed that I had a visit at 9:10. I was excited and wondered who might visit me. However, when I got out there, my visit was cancelled. I don’t know who had set an appointment to see me. I guess I’ll find out later on. I was disappointed.

The sun peeped out briefly. I had a good workout with C and S. They’re good workout partners because they’re willing to listen and participate. We did yoga to warm up. Then we did arm windmills. We ran 5 laps, then 10 laps with mountain climbers, then 5 more laps. Then we did 100 single leg squats, 5 crossover lunges, 80 6 counts of burpees and 4 sets of 25 Jasiris. Then we warm down with yoga. I was sweating.

I ate and took a nap. Then I read. I didn’t write until after dinner. I finished the opening. I have a long way to go, but I got distracted by the book again. I plan to write it the next couple of days. I was able to write on my closing statement for the board hearing. I need to take advantage my time to prepare for the hearing. I haven’t touched my correspondence course since I sent my homework out. I don’t have much time left to study.

The lawyer reached out and touched me. I appreciate that gesture.

I’ll have to bear down. I’ll finish reading the book tonight. May the Gods look out for me. I’m ready.

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