
I couldn’t get stated on my article. I was able to do some brainstorming and jotted down some notes. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish the article this week. I may have to wait till after the parole hearing. That might be a better time.

I went to my interview for the appeal on my 115. Mr. R read through my appeal in front of me and asked me some questions. He’s obviously biased. He had formed an opinion about my situation and guilty verdict. He did jot down some notes. I asked him to be fair and impartial. He said that he will and that I should get my appeal back soon. I didn’t feel good after the interview. He doesn’t care about the facts of my appeal and how they had violated my due process rights. I guess I had to take it to the court.

G came by. I told him what happened. He told me he talked to N. It’s clear that he’s in denial about his situation. I hope I can help lift his spirit up.

Bush started war today on Iraq.

I received a letter from A. He sent me a copy of this support letter. He wants to know any updates on my situation. I wrote him back and gave him an update. I appreciate his support. It’s good to have friend reached out and touched me.

I got some magazines from my neighbor next door. I have to get my acts together.

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