
“Whenever a prisoner goes to ICC (Institution Classification Committee,) it is his or her legal right to receive a 72 hour notice so he or she can prepare for any committee hearing that will dictate his or her wellbeing. However, prison officials are notorious in violating prisoners of their rights of notification. Unfortunately, most of the prisoners do not understand their rights or how to exercise them. As a result, prison officials usually get away with knowingly trembling on prisoners’ rights. “

I feel better physically. I played basketball with the guys for a couple of hours. Then I felt tire and weak. We talked briefly and just enjoyed each other’s company. B finally made it to the Big yard.

The Officer who escorted me to yard asked if I want to go to ICC or yard. I was surprised because I didn’t get any notice for ICC. I told Sgt. G that I’m not refusing to go to ICC, but I need 72 hours notice. I’m assuming that Counselor E got my 602 and decided to take me to ICC. I’ll be ready when I go.

I read for the rest of the day. I didn’t feel like writing. I read “Zami,” Audre Lorde’s book. My eyes are paying the price. I like the book because of her writing. I will write like that when I write my book.

CC sent me a copy of the Warden’s letter in response of his letter. That might be another reason why I was scheduled for ICC.

My court deadline for access to my property 602 is on the first level. I have a bunch of Citizen’s Complaints on the prison. They keep violating my rights.

I’m still eating like crazy. I’m not hungry when I eat. I just like to eat. I will rest some more and get well by Sunday for the workout.

*This is a reflection written 9 years ago today.

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