
My whole body is in pain, especially my knees, lower back and neck. I got banged up playing basketball today. I fell hard when going after a rebound. My feet got tangled with Mike’s.  Then i twisted my right angle. the hardest blow came when Mike’s shoulder hit my chin when going up for a layup. My jaw and head snapped back. It’s too dangerous. We did some burpees, 100 6 counts. It was a fun and physical day.

After yard I did an inventory of my property. Officer I bough them by from North Block. He gave me two boxes of legal works. He’ll have to inventory the rest and give me what’s allowable. My boxes were opened and inventoried by North Block staff. I haven’t had a chance to look through everything yet.

I didn’t get any mail today. I was hoping that I’ll get call to library, but i didn’t. I have to make some major copies. I managed to write some letters to ask for support. I wrote to Fr. O, Rev. K, P, EC, L and J. I hope they’ll write letters for me. G came by. He’ll try to get me a job offer and others to write letters for me.

I got today’s Chronicle and yesterday’s Press Democrat. It’s been a while since I got to read a newspaper. I have plenty to read.

I took a Ibuprofen for my pain. I know I’ll feel it more tomorrow.

I didn’t get any notice for ICC today, so i won’t be going this week. I wonder what’s taking them so long to hear our 115. It’s getting late on the date. I know they’re up to no good. We’ll see.


*This reflection is written 9 years ago today.

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