
The first of September started out to be a beautiful day. The sun was shining early. It felt more like summer.

Rico had an early visit. His Mom came up to see him.

I played “Around the World” and a couple of games of 21. My shooting has gotten better. Liebb would be surprised if we get to play basketball together again. I always got my sweat on yard days. Mike wasn’t feeling well so he just kicked it with P and when B came out. B gave me the S.F. Chronicle article that mentioned my parole situation. I didn’t trip until I was talking to Rico about it. The author was positive. I hope he’ll follow through to help me. H cut my hair. I’ve been waiting three weeks for it. He did a good job considering he didn’t have all the necessary tools.

I took a nap in the afternoon. I have been eating too much. I know I say that everyday. I don’t find the need to discipline my eating yet. I showed P my defense statement. He liked it. I’m ready.

The night just passed by. I was planning to write a poem and the shower experience, but I didn’t make time to do it. I gave Rico some stamps. He’s eating a lot also.

I have plenty to do tomorrow.

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