
Noise has become part of my daily companion. I don’t know how my eardrum handles the level of noise, but I’m aware of it. My neighbor did not act out last night or today. I realized from talking to him that all he needs is someone to talk to when he’s stressing. We were able to have a decent conversation. He said he started doing some of the yoga exercises. I’m glad to hear that.

I received another letter from Mom. She just wanted to respond to my letters before she leaves for her trip. She gave me some advice and asked me to be a regular guy. I will do my best to do that after this chaos is over. I need to go home and be with my family.

I got my stamped copy of the Denial back. Hopefully it’s enough for the judge to grant me an evidentiary hearing.

I rested my body today. I study statistics for a while. It was too noise so I couldn’t concentrate. It took me a long time to study three areas. I also received a catalog from Ohio University.

I read the econ book during my breaks. I like it.

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