
It’s almost time to go to sleep. Would my journal entries consider free writes by the Design mind or Sign mind? I think most of them were done by Sign mind. It’s difficult in this sensor environment to use the Design mind. It’s possible, but not recommended.

It’s nice on the yard this morning. We finally get some sunshine. The whole month of July was mostly overcast. This is a strange summer. I played three games of basketball. It was good exercise. I did some abs and yoga to finish the workout. There’re nine people of our yard now. I enjoyed myself while I was on the yard because I was mostly occupied with activities. I didn’t have to think about the negative aspect of being in the hole.

As I got back in the cell, I was physically tired. At the same time, I felt a few moments of sadness not know what my future holds. It was not a feeling that I wanted to dwell on. I got over it after a few minutes. I think I’ll be feeling like that from time to time.

I received a letter from Mom. It only took six days. My mail are continued to be monitored and delayed. On the day of Mom’s writing, she hasn’t received my anniversary card yet. I told Mom that I had received all her letters. She told me how everyone’s doing at home. It’s good to hear from her.

I received a letter from CC. it was a copy of the group letter. I wrote him back and tanked him and give him a brief update. KW sent me a short note along with the warden’s response letter. It was vague and general. I gave K an update. I also asked him about my parole hearing and writ of habeas. He hasn’t been mentioning my writ for a long time. I don’t know what he plans to do. I hope he’ll take care of business.

I didn’t some reading, but didn’t get to write. I will start again. Little and I chopped it up for a while. He appreciate that I’m a good listener. I might move down to the second tier, but I don’t really want to. I have a good view and a good neighbor. If it happens, I’m cool. If not, I’m fine.

I appreciate the breath.

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