
I realized that the administration is denying my access to the law library. I believe J.B. is behind all this because she saw Mike, Rico and I come back from the law library on June 20th. Despite my weekly request, I have not made it to the law library. That is another form of retaliation.

Yard was cancelled again. It’s normal routine every week. I only had 6 hours of exercise time out of 23 days. The staff just keeps on violating my rights. They do it because they’ve been getting away with it.

I still haven’t received a response concerning the violation of my due process right. I think the administration is concocting a conspiracy against me because I exercise my right to challenge its illegal policies. The truth will come out at the end. It needs to be held responsible.

I still have not heard from my family or folks I expect to hear from. I hope they’re well.

I had a good sweat after a light exercise. I took a Birth Bath and ate dinner. I dozed off for a few minutes and I felt a strong sense of loneliness. It’s a feeling of being depressed. It only lasted about a minute. I shook it off. That was not the first time I felt that way since I’ve been here. I hope I don’t feel it again.

I wrote a short reflection to J. I’m writing a little to her each day. I’ll send it to her when I know where she is.

I hope Mike is doing well in New Folsom. He’s Mom must’ve been worried. The heartaches we put our Moms through is immeasurable.


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