
I slept most of the morning away with the two mentally challenged guys yelling for hours.

I didn’t receive any regular mail. Still no word from Mom.

Officer T dropped off some property. They were seized from me on 6/13. There was no itemization of the returned property. T kept 13 books in the Hot property. He gave me 3 books, Legacy to Liberation, God of Small Things and Chinamen. ISU (Investigative Security Unit) still kept some of my photos, letters and paperwork. I documented the incident. One of the letters was from B. They didn’t forward it to me after they intercepted my mail. I wondered how much more mail ISU kept from me.

G came by and dropped off three books. We talked for awhile. I showed the letter from Mr. W (a person who read the SF Weekly feature article on and wrote a harsh letter) with him. He suggested that I don’t write back to him. He’ll write to him. I thought about it and decided to write a short letter. I wrote to Mr. W and sent him the poem I wrote for Mom. I hope he’ll accept my feedback. I was being very careful to avoid agitate him. I didn’t want to neglect his letter.

I wrote to CC and sent him a copy of my documentation on the property issue. I informed him of my speculation on the possible political tie. KW sent me back the copy of my AG (Attorney General) report for extension. He didn’t bother to write anything.

The cop F scanned my legal mail before she signed. I told her that she shouldn’t do that. She didn’t believe me. I’ll show her the Title 15 tomorrow. She’s violating procedures.

I wrote to J about my reaction after getting my property back. I read a letter she wrote to me in October 2001. It helped lift my spirit.

I have plenty to read and a lot of writing materials. I need to get busy writing. Somehow my mind is not focus. I don’t know why. I do need to break this drought. Somebody help me!


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