More on: DOM


Sep 28, 2011
» Reflections

I was surprised when I was called for a visit at eight o’clock. I didn’t know who could be coming. I got out to the visiting at about quarter til eight after I took a shower. I waited until eight thirty-five before Roger showed up. I had a chance to meditate a bit. It was great seeing Roger. He was outside the gate at 7:30, but wasn’t able to get in until 8:30. He ended up staying until 10:30 when the lady Officer Ms. K kicked him out. We had good conversations on different topics. We talked about our family and well beings. I listened more whenever I talk to Roger. He’s a great friend and brother. He’s going to help me with my support letter writing campaign. Mom will be happy knowing that he visited.

I came back from my visit around ten after eleven. I was called to my 115 hearing. I wished it was fair, but it wasn’t. Lt. M ignored all the evidence and violation of PC (Penal Code) Title 15 DOM (Department Operation Manual) and found me guilty of an administrative 115. He used some other charge in the Title 15 to support his finding. Apparently he had talked to Lt. N and had to railroad me. He sounded stupid and illogical when he tried to justify himself. I wasn’t too surprise. I did speak up for myself even though he didn’t listened or cared. I just have to go through the appeal process. I made sure he had an ear full from me.

I wrote my declaration. The rest of the day I kicked back, napped and read. I feel calm. There’s a better tomorrow. Things will work out accordingly.


*This reflection was written 9 years ago today.