
It’s holiday today, so the program was changed. Mike went to visit for about three hours. He talked strategy with CC to get ready for tomorrow’s hearing. He’s been going through his documents to prepare for taking the stand. I cooked lunch. He was able to eat right after he came back from the visit.

I wrote eight letters tonight. I wrote to S, E, H, X, R J, R and J. I sent R a birthday card and asked her to take care of my parents. I don’t know when her birthday is, but I sent her the card anyway. She’ll have something to talk about. I wrote to J. He hasn’t written back to me. I know he’s tripping.

The day went by way too quick. I did some yoga before shower. I can do headstand with no problem. I kicked it with Mike some more. He has a mild headache. I got three tv guides to look at. I appreciate it. This might be the last night I’ll be with Mike. I’ll miss him when he goes. We need to win in the hearing tomorrow. It’ll help all of our lawsuits.

May the victory be ours. Mike has the first battle. May he be successful.

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