
It was overcast outside. I went to yard and cut my hair. S doesn’t know how to cut my hair the way I wanted. So I told him to give me a number two. I have a lot of gray him. I don’t look good with a shaved head, but I have no choice. It’ll grow out.

I didn’t get a visit. I felt disappointed. I talked to T and U on the yard. T’s cool to talk to, but he lies. I shot the basketball around. I didn’t exercise or shower. M shot me a letter thanking me for encouraging him to stay well. He appreciated it. He gave me weifan’s address. I wrote him a three page letter in Chinese. I surprised myself by being able to write that much. I hope I’ll hear from him. I wrote to S and gave her an update. I studied the median, but I couldn’t concentrate. I need to wake up. It’s another lazy day. I send my love to all my friends and family.

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