
The lockdown was lifted and there was yard. I t looked cold out so I was well dressed. I still felt a little sick. The cold didn’t help. I was told that I had a 12:30 visit. I didn’t know who would show up.

I talked to T for a while. He seemed like a cool dude, but still has the gangster mentality. Somehow, I felt he was being dishonest. I walked a little, talked to C/O R about politics, and kicked it with S and C. I didn’t do any exercise because I didn’t feel in shape. I enjoyed being outside. I got a little something for T.

S showed up for the visit. She looked preoccupied. We had a great visit as usual. She hasn’t received my article. She talked to A. I gave her an update on my status. Then she told me about her relationship with D. We talked about love for a few quality minutes. She’s in love with dude based on correspondence. She hasn’t seen dude in three years. I knew there was something going on. I appreciate her sharing. We’ll get into more.

I was tired after the visit. I took a nap. I read and ate dinner. I wrote to S and gave her my feelings of the visit. I wanted to write to J, but I don’t feel like it.

I want to get well so I can work out. I hope all is well with my loved ones and friends.

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