
It started as a cold morning, turned into a sunny and warm one. I took some laps by myself. C didn’t come out due to a lockdown in East Block. I didn’t feel like working out. However, S and I got down anyway. We did our yoga routine and did some pushups. I did about 620 pushups. Then we ran 5 laps. It was nice.

I was scheduled to go the law library. I was a surprise. However, the library was cancelled due to an emergency count, I think. I wasn’t happy about that. I had to make some copies.

I took a nap. Then I read through my hearing transcript from last year. I want to get ready for the hearing. I didn’t touch the article.

I didn’t receive or send out any letters tonight. G did dropped me a note saying that US was not bombing Iraq.

T kept begging me to give him some stamps so he can smoke. I denied his requests. He has to earn his trust from me.

I asked the captain for a phone call and he said yes. However, he didn’t arrange for me to make it tonight.

I’m not in a creative mode. I need to do something about that.

May I be able to convince the BPT to give me a date. May I be home soon. May my family and friends be well.

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