
It was chilly outside, but the sun was out. I knew I had a visit at 9:30 so I worked out early. C didn’t make it out. S and I did yoga and pushups. He’s not in shape to keep up with me yet. We had a good workout.

KW and I visited for about an hour and thirty minutes. We covered the necessary issues to prepare for the hearing. He’s going to file a writ on my recession denial. As long as he’ll help me, I have actions in getting out in the next year or two. KW told me that A requested to film the hearing. We don’t know if the prison will like it and let her in. I felt confident after the visit. No matter what happens in the parole hearing, things will be all right.

There’s a cell extraction around 11:30. It’s the first one I had witnessed. The prisoners were divided in how they feel about the extraction.

G came by to visit. He had talked to N. That’s good news. G started to visit men on Death Row. He’s writing a book about his ministry in prison.

I wrote to Yuri and let her know what happened. She’ll be happy to know that. I wrote Mom a short letter to calm her mind. I felt I was a little harsh on her in my previous letter.

I wrote to J and sent her tow support letters as examples. I wanted to jump on her about not writing a letter for me, but I decided not to. She’s insensitive in issues like that. I have to talk to her face to face about it. Since she’s moved, she might not have received my other letters.

I didn’t receive any letters. My 602 on 3355 was finally processed after the fourth time and two months later. I think my writ has something to do with it. Let’s see how they’ll like it when they have to answer to the judge.

It’s been an all right day.

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