
It was nippy in the morning when I took some laps with R. I did what I could to screw him on staying alive.

I went to visit at around 9:20. Roger got there around 9:45. He wanted to make sure whether I’ll get transfer or not. He also talked to Mom and she’s worried as usual. She wanted to visit me before I get moved. I told Roger to help her set an appointment after my parole hearing. I have to let her see for herself that I’m all right. Time went by quickly when Roger and I got into a conversation. He’s been a good brother to me. I’m a lucky guy.

I went back to the yard after the visit. I did some exercises with C and S. It was sunny and warm. I was out of breath from not working out for four days.

I ate and took a nap after yard. Then I wrote letters to J, K, B, J, S, G and S. It took up my whole evening to write letters. I have to wait till tomorrow to submit my first lesson of Statistic. I sent J a postcard. I haven’t heard from her for a couple of weeks.

I prayed that Mom’s doing well and that she was just venting about R’s evil ways. I don’t even want to get upset over her. I hope P had a good birthday. May he be well.

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