
Today is the first time I didn’t shower when it was my turn. I slept in. Then I read Zia’s book. I learned a lot about the Asian American movements. The lack of unity is still prevalent today among different Asian groups. That will always exist when the goal for people is to become rich. I want to finish reading the book tomorrow. I stop in between to write the letters to the politicians. I have a couple more to go.

My I.E. Officer C came by and told me that I can only have 3 witnesses. She said that’s what “they” told her. Well, there is no limit to how many witnesses I can call according to the Title 15. I reluctantly chose 3 inmate witnesses and 3 outside witnesses. They’re violating my rights. I signed a declaration on what’d transpired. “They” will pay for their violations.

My food stock is running low, but I still eat plenty. I rested my body today. Everything is going to be all right – in the morning. I didn’t receive any mail today. I should get a letter from J soon. I haven’t done my studying on the Statistic course. I can’t concentrate on it right now. I do need to start again. At least do my first lesson homework. I also need to study my Spanish just to refresh my vocabularies.

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