
No letters in, no letters out. I didn’t make it to the library so I couldn’t send the letters out to the politicians. Things didn’t go smooth today. Yard was cancelled due to search in Downer section. I was disappointed, but I didn’t get bent out of shape. I’m way passed that stage. The next two days I’ll be spending them in the cell except for shower or visit.

I finished reading Zia’s book. I enjoyed the history lessons and her memoir. I learned many new facts. I read the book in four days. I’m glad New York sent me that book.

CCI E dropped by around 12:00 to give me the 128-B notice for ICC on Friday considering for my transfer. I haven’t been to my 115 hearing yet. It’s a conspiracy staged by the administration to get rid of me. Mike got the same notice. I’ll fight it all the way. Hopefully the Marin Court will help me out.

I slept, ate and read all day. I did a little writing to the lawyer. Hopefully he can help me too. I’m looking forward to hearing from J and Mom.

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