
Happy birthday Sis! Sis’s bday bought me good energy and a peaceful mind. May she be healthy, happy and continued success.

I was expecting to go to my 115 hearing today, but it didn’t happened. I’m ready whenever Lt. M decides to do it. I wrote an additional defense statement from the case Newell v. Gunnell. It’s a strong cease to support my claim.

I cooked lunch today for the SQ3. I made a noddle log with corn chips, meat log, carrots, and pepper condiments. It was delicious, hole standard. Mike liked it. I’ll find out if Rico liked it.

I took a nap in the morning. I felt tired. I didn’t get a chance to get the letters out to politicians. They’ll go out on Sunday.

I received letters from Mom, A, J and a postcard from A. I wrote A back and gave her an update. I wrote to Mom and thanked her for sending me 11 pictures. Mom and Dad looked good in the pictures and they’d enjoyed themselves. I love Mom.

J had three letters in and a visa photo. I wrote her back a quick note. A is helping me out with the letters. She told me 20 youth signed up for our study group. I’m excited to see it happened. I wrote her and asked her to contact G and A. I wondered what happened to G. Did my poem affect her? I hope she’s all right. I appreciate A’s friendship. She loves people.

I read an article in the newspaper on the favorable ruling concerning lifers who had been granted dates, but will take it into the same category. I felt excited at the prospect of appealing and get to go home. I hope so.

I sent KW a brief letter telling him I decided to go through with the hearing instead of postponing. I took the lawyer’s advice.

CCI E came see me about the postponement of hearing again. He’s desperate to get me to postpone the hearing. What a snake! He’ll be surprised when I tell him the news.

My body is torn up. I need some serious healing. May the love of my family and friends continued to sustain me. May I be home with my parents in the near future.

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