
We had a semi difficult workout today. Mike’s not in shape so we didn’t push it. We did 100 10 counts burpees, 200 single leg squats, 200 wide stance squats, 20 Jasiris, and 100 mountain climbers. It was a decent workout, especially after playing a little bit of basketball.

I talked to Blue for a bit. Mike got his notice for ICC on Friday. After he told E that he’s 115 was heard. N gave him the notice and gave Mike the adjudication of the 115. I’ll be interesting to see how things unfold with Mike. I read his adjudication. If the hearing officer goes by evidence instead of trying to railroad me, there’s no way I’ll get find guilty. I think that’s one of the reasons why my 115 hasn’t been heard. We’ll see.

G and P come by briefly. After P left, I shared my poem with G. he was touched by it. I know he would appreciate it since he knows my situation. It’s always good to see friends.

Mike and I went to the law library. I did some research and made some copies. My lawyer helped me tremendously. He’s been inundated with paperwork. He’s a good brother. I do hope that I’ll be able to see him soon. G told me about MJ’s write on BPT. I hope I’ll get to read it and use it to help me with my parole situation.

I received a letter from K and C. I was able to write C back. She’s still getting over J’s passing. It’s understandable. I’m glad I could help her. K wrote a long letter. She offered to help me with my parole situation and gave me her telephone numbers and email. She sent me the Capaeria book from Amazone.com. I hope I’ll get it. I started to write to her, but didn’t finish. I’ll have more letters to write tomorrow.

I’m tired right now from being out more than usual. May the great spirit of love bless my family, friends and I.

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