
I wasn’t able to write too many letters tonight because I spent my time finalizing my defense statement. I’m almost ready for the hearing unless something more helpful comes along.

Counselor came by in the morning and dropped off another copy of the redacted 40 page supplemental document. I asked him for a staff assistant and  an I.E. He said he’ll see what he can do. I also asked him when will I be going to ICC. He said as soon as the 115 is heard. It might be a week or two.

I read the econ book for a while. I learned more on the things of economists. I can talk to the teenagers about it.

My lower back is stiff. My knees hurt and my body is scratched up. I need to heal myself before it gets worse.

I received six letters today. Mom, J, B, K, P and S wrote. K sent me a book on Caprera. I hope I’ll get it. She used some heat sensitive paper to write tome. It’s cool. J is back in Beijing. She has to deal with her situation with ZY. I’ll help her sort her thoughts out the best I can. She has to make the final decision. I hope she’d received my letter by now. Mom wrote before she left for the trip. Things are getting better at home. That’s good. S wrote and talked about girls and how hard it’s to get a job. He’s in a less desirable situation because of his lack of education and instable mindset. He thinks highly of me. I appreciate that. B finally wrote. She’s taking a trip to Spain in a few weeks. She asked about writing and how I get my ideas. I asked her to come see me. P told me about her family, R and C. I like her way of expression. I’m glad she’s my friend. I have plenty of writing to do tomorrow.

It’s been a productive day. I felt good receiving all the letters.

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