
I finished my autobiography poem. I’ll let my editor read it and see if he likes it. It felt good to get it done. I hope I’ll continue to write more creative pieces. SB from the Office of the Inspector General’s interviewed me. The interview was recorded and lasted about 15 minutes. She asked about the seizure of my legal material and the college proposal. I asked her office to investigate on the prison’s retaliation and violation of my rights. I’m glad that she’s doing something about it. I hope it will help my situation. Rico was also interviewed. I was too disoriented. I wished I was more relaxed.

G came by and we shared some experiences with meditation. I enjoyed talking to him.

I received five letters today. I was a happy camper. Lil Sis, A, B, K and J’s letter arrived. The letter average 10 days to get to me. The letters all expressed love and support for my situation. I felt loved. I wrote Lil Sis back and thanked her. I sent a 602 to the visiting to get some English visiting applications. A wants to come visit me with Yuri. He lives 4 blocks away from Mom’s house. It’s good to finally hear from him.

I stayed busy today. I didn’t get a chance to take a nap. I worked out early before shower. Canteen arrived this morning. I’m stocked up with snacks and food. I’m all set for another month. I’m feeling good.

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