
This is the third day that my deltoids are in excruciating pain. I really overworked my shoulder muscles. I couldn’t move without feeling the pain. I went to the yard and jog and did some leg excises. I want to let my shoulder muscles to be healed before I team them up again. I did my Yoga exercise in the sun. It felt good, but I drew a lot of attention. My body is in good form. That naturally draws attention. I enjoyed my yard time.

I rested and read in the afternoon. I wrote to CC about the second anti-retaliation letter. I’m overwhelming him with all the paperwork and letters. I submitted another citizen’s complaint and asked for an Internal Affairs investigation in this whole matter. I don’t know what happened to the first one that I’d filed. I never got an answer. I hope this one will get processed.

I haven’t written to J or anyone. I’ll just wait til I have some news. I want this thing to be over with so I can start a fierce campaign for my freedom. My creative drive has been dry. What will it take for me to get it wet again?

Time is flying by.


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