
It was chili outside until the sunshine came over the East Block building. I had to work out by myself because C left. He was transferred to Solano. I miss having a workout partner. I shot some basketball, did yoga and dive bombers. I was pumped. I took a cold shower. I felt good. T didn’t bring out his paperwork. He doesn’t to help himself.

I had a good lunch, took a nap and started writing letters. I wrote to S, Yuri, A, C, M, A, Sis and W. I asked them to find me some legal assistance. I explained my urgency to them. Hopefully I’ll get some responses. I have more letters to write.

Big homie looked out for me. I love him for that. I kicked it with Mike for a while. I haven’t had time to do my Statistic lesson or read anything. I hope things will go smoother for me in the courts.

May my Mom be healthy and my family and friends be well. I told R the story about kissing Dad. He cried.

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