
My body felt tire caused I stayed up talking to Mike. I didn’t get a good nap either because I wanted to wait M to walk by. I made lunch and ate it with Mike. I wrote to the lawyer and got ready for library. I talked to the lawyer briefly. He handled business as usual. He did the other appeal on the mail and due process issue. I made copies and got the necessary paperwork. I was able to get some writing done.

I received four letters tonight. I got a card from E. A sent a card also. I got a letter from S and X. It’s a surprised to hear form X. I wrote S and related the layer’s message. I wrote to N and asked him to call Mike’s Mom to get his brother’s number so Mom can get a note. Hopefully it’ll work. I had too much paperwork to read. I didn’t get a chance to respond to all the letters. I’ll have to get busy over the weekend.

Time went by too fast. I talked to Mike for a while. We discussed about the need to get support from our friends. I need to feel the urgency because I’m fighting for my life. May the Gods guide me to victory.

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