
Mike moved in next door to me. He’ll be here for a couple of weeks. It’s a nice surprise to see him and kick it with him briefly. When B gave me mail tonight, he said, “You got fan mail.” I know he’s hating on me. He doesn’t understand how I have so many people write to me.

S shared two of her recent poem with me. I’ll get into them tomorrow. I wrote a two page letter in Chinese to P. I expressed my thoughts on the importance of family. I asked him to look out for Mom and Dad. It was a pretty expressive letter. I hope he listens to me. I wrote Mom a brief letter telling her about my letter to bro. She’ll be happy to hear that. I wrote a short page to K. I wrote a Chinese Valentines card to O and sent her my BPT closing statement. I hope she’ll get it without delay.

T let me exchanged my books from the property today. I picked 4 books. I might even be able to read them. I wrote a kite to A asking him to move Mike next door to me. Things worked out. Uso hooked it up. We stayed up and talked for a few hours. Mike has been taking care of his legal readings. The cops don’t want to mess with him out there. I’m glad that I got a chance to see Mike. Who knows how long it’ll take before we see each other again. I hope we’ll become victorious with our writes and appeals. May God bless us always.

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