
Time is going by way too fast. I stayed busy from noon to ten o’clock. I cooked lunch. G came by to say hi. He told me a free person commented that we’re bad guys because some people were mad at us. G confronted him by telling him he didn’t know us and know the truth. He apologized to G.

I studied some Jiujitsu. Then I wrote letters. I received the letter I’d sent to O last week. It needed 10 more cents. It costs$3.80. I added the postage and wrote another page to O. I wrote to B, S, A, D, M, and S. I asked them for assistance. Hopefully at least one person comes through. I didn’t have time to do other writings. I do need to manage my time better. I still have some letters to respond to and more letters to write.

I ate well tonight. Big homie looked out for us. M went to see the doctor and got a translator over the phone. CC’s letter helped.

I talked to Mike for a while, reminisced on some people. After he leaves, we won’t be seeing each other for a while. We’ll be on our separate ways. He told me C got twins. I haven’t heard from her or J for a long time. Things changed and people changed over time. I learn that I have to be non-attached with friendship and emotions. I need to get out of prison.

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