
Chinese new year’s eve. Yard was cancelled due to fog, again. It’s that time of the season. I was called for a visit at 7:30. I wasn’t expecting one. S showed up and we were able to visit for a little over 2 hours. We had great conversations. I vented on her about my sister-in-law and brother. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared my family stuff with her, but it’s too late. She’s cool about it. She said A left her a message. A said that the event will probably be in April. She said they probably couldn’t help Mike with the issue of racial segregation, but they’ll focus on helping Asian prisoners. It’ll be more Asian theme and involvement. I sensed reluctance from A and them to have the other races involved. I’m cool with that. Hopefully things will work out. I need to talk to a face to face so I can get an idea on the theme and her ideas. S told me about her Mom and grandma’s concern about cancer. They had it when were 56 years old. We talked about everything we could think of at the time.

I had a decent lunch. I talked to M briefly. He was surprised I knew his birthday. I received another letter from J. She loves me. CC wrote on a postcard telling me CPF sent the stamps and asked me to write an advocate letter for me.  I’ll do it over the weekend.

I studied statistic. I’m getting it. I hope I can send a lesson out Sunday night.

I’m feeling okay. I pray that Mom’s healthy and happy. May R and P start to treat her with the respect she deserved. May the year of the Goat take me home.

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