
I’m not feeling well. It’s been chilly and somehow I’m coming down with something. I showered and took a nap.

I received my canteen today. Now I’m stocked up for X-mas.

G dropped by and told me Yuri called him. That’s cool. He told me about the excellent Chinese restaurant on Embarcadero “Slanted Door.” He promised he’ll take me there for dinner after I get out.

I received the stamped copy of the Informal Reply from Marin. It was filed 12/20. The lawyer did a great job as usual. He sent me a copy and notes. I appreciate the people who signed the declarations on my status on the mainline.

I messed up in ICC by telling them that I didn’t have to exhaust my appeal in the Director’s level. I can’t afford to make any more mistakes.

I wrote to KW again. He has not responded to me. I hope he had sent the 115 appeal to the lawyer. If not, I might have to consider firing him. I asked him to come see me, write to CSR to appeal my transfer and to BPT. I hope he’ll handle my business.

I got the December Coastal Post. H still sends it to me monthly. I’ve been reading the “Simple Truth” by David Baldacci. I like it.

I didn’t do any study. I haven’t been exercising either. I need to shape up.

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