
It was nice outside after a couple of days of wet weather, more are on the way. I shot the ball around then worked out. I did some burpees and yoga. I felt pumped. I know I would be huge after I hit the gym for six months.

I was tired, but didn’t take a nap. I received a letter and a postcard from Fr. O. He wrote a support letter for me, but he didn’t have BPT’s address. F sent me a letter. I was surprised to hear from him. He wrote a detailed support letter for me. I received a letter from G. She gave me some good points to think about on my parole hearing. I’m not going to argue with her. She has her way of thinking.

I got my appeal from Sacramento on the property issue. Now I can file a writ. I got the extension notice from the A.G. on the transfer writ. I’ll have 15 days to respond. I wrote to F and sent him a couple of poems. I wrote to G and expressed my appreciation. I sent W more support letters. I wrote Fr. O and tanked him.

G dropped by. I studied statistic for a little bit. I’ll get one lesson in this month. I had an all right day. God bless me.

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