
It’s the first of the month. As expected I was notified that I had a visit at 11. I went to the yard and did some burpees with CK. He couldn’t hang with me. We warmed up with some yoga exercises and warmed down with them. I had a decent sweat. It could’ve been better. I took a shower and was ready for the visit.

Officer D and I chatted for a little. He’s will to write a character reference letter for me. I’ll see if that’ll be helpful. If not, it’s the thought that counted.

S came by on time. She’s looking energized. We talked about how I was doing before we got into the good news. The hearing went successfully on the substitution for attorney. Yuri was there and had a chance to meet Mike from a distance. S talked to her for an hour or so. She’s impressed with Yuri. We got to talk about more personal things dealing with our connections, our changes in politic, but not in specific detail. We’re on the same wavelength in many areas of our thinking. She’s doing her best to help us. I know that we’ll get deeper into our feelings in more opportune time and environments. I’m grateful for her friendship. She left around 12:40.

I received a letter from KW saying that a counselor called him and informed him that my transfer referral was postponed until after my parole hearing. That means I’ll be here for another month. It also means that I’m being held illegally in Ad Seg. I wrote to the lawyer and asked his input.

I got some Chinese books and magazines on different topics. I’m set on reading materials as usual. I’ll be hooked on the Chinese Ku Fu novels for a few days. I hope some good news will go this month and I’ll be out of here. God willing.

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