
It was cold outside. I played a couple games of basketball and did some leg exercises. I showered with the wind blowing. Now my nose is stuffy. Mike came out to the yard. It was good to see him. He told me what’d happened with his transfer. He was on mainline for a day. they definitely screwed up with him. Somebody will pay for the mistake. He was supposed to move back down to second tier, but it didn’t happen.

I went to library to make some copies. I talked to Stephen briefly. Nothings new. He’s doing what he can. I seen the Lawyer a letter to give him an update. I asked a condemned guy name R to give a message to Yuri’s nephew. Hopefully he’ll respond. I talked to Mr. J for a minute. He’s doing his usual thing.

I received a letter from A and S. they both sent support letters. A has been busy. she’s doing what she can to help me. I asked her to get me a lawyer to help me with the Ad Seg issue. I told her to get together with Yuri. S will help, but she doesn’t agree with some of the issues with J. I’m not tripping on that. We’re focusing on the violation of First Amendment right. Let’s see what they can do.

I sent 3 of my 602s in again. Let’s see how Mrs. D is going to respond. I gave S a magazine. He’ll help me to make it work. Blu talked with me for a while. We shared some laughs.

I hope things will turn in our favor soon.

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