
It’s late. The gun cop is yelling sexual slurs to the prisoners and the prisoners are yelling back at him.  This happens every night when the cop B is working. If it’s not them, it could be the P.C.s and dropouts on first tier talking loud after shut down.

I just finished writing my defense statement using my lawyer’s suggestions. I have been at it all night. It ended up being five pages double space. It’s a very strong statement. Any impartial person looks at the statement and facts will exonerate me. However, the administration doesn’t play fair. It will use all means necessary to get rid of me. As G said, “I might lose the battle, but I’ll win the war.” I hope he’s wrong and I win both. I talked to him for a while. It breaks the monotony.

I went to yard and played ball with Rico and Mike. We got our sweat on, but we haven’t work out together yet. We played two games and some Horse. Rico finally got a haircut since he’s in the hole. I’ll get mines cut eventually. It’s cold out until almost yard recall.

Rico shot me the Maxium mag. I read it in the afternoon. Officer T gave me another book from Ohio on Statistic. I haven’t had time to get into it. I got a Chinese dictionary and Spanish dictionary from the library. They helped me to write letters.

I’m staying up late for the first time willingly. It’s Friday. Rico gave me some stamps. I’ll be all right for a while.

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