If it doesn’t bleed…

it doesn’t lead… as the saying goes.

A 16 year old Asian teenager was stabbed and passed away last night in San Francisco. One of my Case Managers notified me of the incident and I verified the facts with a staff who works in the wraparound service in SF General. So I went on SF Gate news online to read the news reporting. The staff writer wrote that a 16 year old teenager was stabbed to death by a 18 year old man. That statement made me pause to think how media can portray things base on what it wants readers to feel and believe. How can a 16 year old be called a teenager and a 18 year old called a man? The last time I check Sixteen and Eighteen both end with teen. So they should both be Teenagers. Where’s the man comes in? I’m just saying… Then when I look at the same news again at night time, the whole story changed. That’s online media for you.

On another note, a Chinese World Journal reporter expressed to me that in her 20 or year career, this is the youngest Asian homicide victim that she’s aware of. The Asian community is definitely shaken up by this tragedy since there’s very few murders in its history. Unlike the African American and Latino American communities where young people are killing young people all the time. That’s another reality.

It’s a sad reminder that life is short. I hope everyone gets that message.

link to sf gate article
link to sf examiner article
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