
It’s a humble feeling to get sick because the body is so helpless. I have to wait for the flu to go away on its own. I felt terrible all day due to the lack of energy. I went to the yard. It was nice out. I talked to P for a while about eh injustice in Ad Seg. He told me the bribery tactic used by the C/O. If I have a recorder I can report some horror stories and the CDC’s abusive of authority and prisoners’ rights. I walked around with S for a while and talked about ecstasy drug and rave. He knows a lot about that.

I felt light headed and dizzy after I got back to the cell. I took a nap and waited for law library. I mailed some letters and a book home to Mom.

I went the library and did some copying and research. I’m ready to do the 1983 lawsuit. I talked to the lawyer. He got all the issues in court. He got the letter today. I wonder why it took so long to get to him. I don’t want to get paranoid about that.

I wrote to Mom and asked her to send J the book. I put a letter to J in it. I wrote to A and told him not to worry about the book I had requested. The lawyer said it’s not helpful. I wrote to C and thanked him for writing the letter to the psyche.

Ma got a translator today when Dr. M interviewed him. I hope it’ll be consistent. I asked C to come see me so I can talk to him about filing for 1983. I went through some vocabularies with Ma. He said, “So that’s how he got the translator.” I feel tired so I’m sleeping early. Things are getting better. Ma’s mind is very fragile. I have to be careful what to say to him. He has a tendency to get paranoid. I’ve been successful in helping him so far.

May God keeps looking out for me.

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