
Officer D delivered a legal mail from the Sacramento appeal’s office in the morning. I was an appeal on the ICC violation of my rights. It’s denied. All my appeals have been denied. I sent it to my lawyer along with the denial for reconsideration on the transfer writ by Judge A.

I went to the yard and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. It was cold, but nice. I walked some laps, talked to D for a while and exercised. I did a quick workout. I need to start getting serious on exercising and be consistent. I was happy when I was informed I had a visit at 12:30.

S came up, but she was 25 minutes late due to late processing. We utilized our time to get the important information exchanged. The time flashed by. She told me Mike was in the hole for a couple of days caused “they” didn’t like him filing lots of appeals. They couldn’t keep him there because it’s illegal. Mike’s giving them the blues. She visited W last Sunday. He expressed that there’s no one to talk to about meaningful ideas and topic. He felt lonely and missed me. I have respect for him and cherished our friendship. She like the article, but have some questions. She’s using her editor’s mind to critique it. She said it could be tighter. She’ll shoot it out to people.

Yuri is meeting with the Sister Warriors about the upcoming event. It’ll be late February. That would be good to get the chant and article going.

I received a letter from Anmol. He sent me some articles. He went back to India for 3 weeks. He’s back today. He sent me a flyer for writing submissions to comply a book on PIC. I’ll think about submitting something. I wrote him back and gave him the latest update.

I didn’t do much all day. I’m thinking about quitting the correspondence course. It’s not realistic to go on. I’m debating it. We’ll see. I hate to give up.

I’ll be sore from the workout tomorrow. May the Gods continue to bless me and my family.

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