
The end of the month brought me some unpleasant feeling. What started out to be a wonderful day ended up on a low note. I was informed that I had a visit at 12:30. I was happy to know that. I wonder who would be coming to see me. The surprise of seeing a friend adds t the excitement. I did a little reviewing of my paperwork until time for the visit. After I got to the visiting room, I had a feeling that no one would show up. I thought about many reasons why my visitor hasn’t show up. After 30 minutes, I gave up tripping about it. I sat there from 12:20 to 1:30. I was disappointed that no one showed up. I don’t know why my visitor didn’t show up or who that may be. I don’t like to be let down and set up, even it’s unintentionally.

I took a nap after I got back and woke up feeling low. I wrote to J about it. I finished writing my closing statement for board. I hope I’ll be able to speak it from the heart. My mind is blank in a way. I don’t know what to expect in the hearing. I’ll go with it. May the Gods look out for me.

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