
The mornings have been cold this week. It takes longer for my bones and joints to warm up. I talked to Blu on the yard for a while. He was upset about the way the East Block Officer treated him. Really he was dealing with his two denials. Who can blame him after being in prison for 34 years? I did my best to counsel him. C helped me out with some “stamps.” I played one on one with H. Then I exercised with C. I felt pumped. I need to do more workouts.

Mike said hi briefly when he went to shower. He’s in 4D18 and wanted to move back here.

I wrote to Anmol, Yuri, J and G. I sent G the 3250 section so she can see the rule herself. I wrote short letters to the other folks. I read the old newspaper in the afternoon.

I still need to do my correspondence course. I ate a lot during the day. I had oatmeal for breakfast. It was delicious.

Another day, another new beginning.

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