2007 Reflections

Happy new year!

It’s a blessing to be able to type this message to you. Where as in the past, I have to rely on others to do so.

It’s been ten months since my release from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Life is good.

After being in prison for 21 years, one would think that my transition to society would be a difficult one. But not so in my case. Since the day I returned to the free world, I just keep on moving forward.

As you can imagine, everything is new to me. I’ve experienced many first times. That’s why every day of my life is full of excitement.

However, what I find most rewarding and satisfying is doing work that I love. I’m working full time for the Community Youth Center (CYC) of San Francisco as a Project Coordinator for the Community Response Network – Asian Pacific Islander(CRN-API). I get to service the youth, family and community of San Francisco. Also, I’m privileged to be given opportunities to share my experiences in schools, colleges and community based organizations. It is like a dream come true.

As for my immigration status, not much has changed. My deportation order is still active. I do have an appeal in the ninth circuit appeal court. I don’t know what’s going to happen. What I do know is I am not going to worry about the things that I have no control of. I am just going with the flow and stay busy.

I have attached a chronology of some of the things that I’ve done since my release in February. Please take the time to read it because you’ve played an important part in all my accomplishments.

As always, I can never accomplish any of these without the continual support from all of you and the community. I am grateful for your presence in my life.

Please continue to keep me humble because you sustain me, because without you there is no me and because you are beautiful.

2008 is going to be another awesome year. Let’s keep on shining… living… loving…

happy new breath

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